Proambiente S.C.r.l.

Proambiente S.C.r.l. Laboratory is an investee consortium based on a partnership between public authorities and private companies of the CNR and joins the Technopole of Bologna CNR. Its mission is the Industrial Research and Technology Transfer, particularly in the areas of monitoring and environmental remediation of air, water, agri-food, life sciences and anthropogenic activities. The laboratory has long been working in the field of wastewater treatments, in particular gaining significant experiences with techniques that exploit advanced oxidation processes (AOPs -Advanced Oxidation Processes) and, in general, in the analysis of waters.
Proambiente S.C.r.l is the coordinator of project activities planned in WP4, where the laboratory will carry out experimental tests on advanced oxidation technologies process in order to evaluate their effectiveness in the removal of emerging pollutants from wastewater. WP4 will be carried out in collaboration with LEA ENEA whose tasks are related to the sampling and the analysis of some emerging contaminants and microplastics/microfibers in different sections of wastewater treatment plants in order to verify their removal rates along the whole treatment cycle as well as in specific treatment units.